It used to be that I'd recoil at any change. I, as a rule, don't embrace change. But as I've 'matured' it seems that I almost expect it, choosing to accept it. In a perfect world, I'd get to chose and control all things that affect my life, and once approved, I'd set it in stone and call it good.
Yet living in reality, I know that is not an option. O, but what great things I'd miss.
I remember a movie that has the world of Jim Carey living in a bubble. Everything was peachy, day after day. As a viewer I knew it wasn't right, but in his world, it seemed normal. And there lies the problem.
In the last 2 years, I've lost people in my life and gained others; I've learned and flexed. I think most of us are all in the same situation, in one way or another. Perhaps our life style has changed, not because of anything we've planned. Potentially, what these changes bring is an opportunity to see things differently.
Moving might in and of itself bring stress and worry. But perhaps there is a wonder waiting at the end of the road. A new friend, new experiences, things unexpected but good.
I haven't physically moved location, but what I have moved is my outlook and attitude. While I never signed up for some of these life experiences, I certainly am moved by the journey itself.
I have new dear friends that I hadn't even met a year ago. I have a new respect for those in my life that I before took for granted. I still have much to learn, but I am starting to get used to changes, expecting them, and enjoying the journey.