Making an entrance! Should someone be a little late, sneaking in unnoticed; otherwise known as being fashionably late? (In those situations, it is usually because one doesn't really want to be 'there' anyway!) Or is this a situation when someone could be comfortable enough to be the life of the party, arriving with confidence knowing that they will be well received?
Have you ever experienced not knowing what to wear to a certain event? It is common to be either overdressed for the occasion or feeling like you did not see the small print that said 'black tie'. Uuh!
This is when it would be nice to have a personal assistant. Someone that would intervene for you, gathering information as to who might be on the guest list and knowing the agenda so you can then make an intelligent decision on how to prepare yourself.
A professional stager is just like that. By working with the homeowner, a stager offers key insight into how your home should be presented.
Just as a realtor has access to the comps in the area, a professional stagers offers assistance on how to dress your house. You don't have to wonder if you should remove that wallpaper...(chances are you should, please!) or if the wall color is too bold.
That is the role a home stager plays. Yeah, the 'life of the party' is a great way to think when you are putting your house on the market. Just as there are many situations and people pulling for your attention, there are a lot of houses begging for a buyer! By keeping in mind potential buyers who might be on the general guest in a neighborhood and the charm of each individual home, a professional home stager is able to be your liaison. The personal assistant; giving you confidence that your home will be the life of the party.