The words mean wind and water, essentials for living, wind as air we breathe and water to keep us alive and flowing. Chi is the energy that is always moving. The objective is to create balance in your life (your soul), if your home reflects the elements for balance it will be a positive energy thus welcoming potential buyers into action. Whoa, isn’t that what we stagers strive for? Creating a welcoming environment to move buyers into action?
This Eastern Religion believes that you should keep the energy flowing. Here are some examples: You don’t want to block areas of the house where you just come to an abrupt stop. For example like a closet upon direct entry into the house you should add a small concave mirror so the Chi flow will continue into the house. Arrange a couch in a position with its back against a wall or something behind it to protect your vulnerable backside. Leave the bedroom for sleeping, no TV’s in the bedroom. Engage the senses of smell with natural scents, and the sense of light which moves energy. Keep your front entry clean, turn on front porch lights if the viewing will be after dark, place a nice doormat in the entry, and have flowers or lush plants on either side of the entryway. To bring moving energy into the house, begin getting your own stuff out of the house to make room for the new owner's stuff. It not only sets in motion a powerful energy, but it also gives you a head start on your own packing.
Bottom line: it doesn't really matter whether or not you believe that Feng Shui methods are important to selling a home, many of the practices of Feng Shui we stagers already incorporate into our staging techniques minus the crystals, Buddhas, and “fisheye” mirrors. What I learned is there are some commonalities in home staging and Feng Shui, both are used for positive results. So invite the “Chi” into your home and welcome those potential buyers.
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